Hanling Has Joined Lexology
Hanling is pleased to announce that Hanling has joined Lexology.
Lexology is established and operated by Law Business Research as an intelligent global platform to the share, research and communication of legal related knowledges. Lexology has now covered over 170 jurisdictions and more than 50 professional areas. Over 900 professional institutes have contributed over 1.2 million articles to more than 750 thousand subscribers all over the globe.
After joining Lexology, Hanling will regularly share our opinion and research on various areas via this platform by articles in English together with the latest news of our firm.
Hanling Was Invited to Contribute to the Mergers and Acquisitions (18th Edition)
Hanling Assisted International Machinery Manufacturer in Its New Joint Venture Deal in China
Hanling Was Invited to Contribute to the Mergers and Acquisitions
Hanling Assisted International Pharmaceutical Company in Its License-out Transaction in China
Hanling Assisted Japanese Listed Company in Its Internal Investigation
Hanling Has Represented Overseas Pharmaceutical Contract Service Provider to Conduct Merger Control Filing in China
Hanling Was Invited to Contribute to The Merger and Acquisition Review 16th Edition
Hanling Has Joined Lexology